Traceless Vim Editing
Table of Contents
A file secret.txt
to be encrypted better be edited without leaving traces such as its path, swap files, backup or undo data.
To achieve this in Vim from the shell (say Bash
or ZSH
), open it by the command vims secret.txt
using the shell alias
vims=" vim -n -i NONE \
+'set backupskip=*' \
+'augroup Secure | autocmd BufWrite * setlocal noundofile | augroup END' \
+'silent doautoall Secure BufWrite"
alias vims="$vims"
unset vims
added to the configuration file (~/.bashrc
respectively ~/.zshrc
If the secret file is a temporary file, for example, kept in /tmp
on Linux, then the same can be achieved automatically, without any alias, using the following permanent Vim
" don't store marks of temporary files in temp or shm directories
let &viminfo .=
\ ',r' . (has('win32') ? $TMP : $TMPDIR) .
\ (exists('$XDG_CACHE_HOME') ? ',r' . $XDG_CACHE_HOME : '') .
\ (exists('$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR') ? ',r' . $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR : '') .
\ ',r/var/tmp,r/dev/shm,r/run/shm,r/var/run/shm' .
" don't backup temporary files (such as those in temp or shm directories)
let &backupskip .= ',' .
\ '/var/tmp/*,/dev/shm/*,/run/shm/*,/var/run/shm/*,' .
\ (exists('$XDG_CACHE_HOME') ? escape(expand($XDG_CACHE_HOME), '\') . '/*,' : '') .
\ (exists('$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR') ? escape(expand($XDG_RUNTIME_DIR), '\') . '/*,' : '') .
" don't keep swap file or undo data of temporary files
augroup vimrc_skip
exe 'autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead' &backupskip 'setlocal noswapfile'
exe 'autocmd BufWrite' &backupskip ' setlocal noundofile'
augroup END
silent doautoall vimrc_skip BufNewFile,BufRead,BufWrite
added to the configuration file (~/.vimrc
in Linux and MacOS or %USERPROFILE%/_vimrc
in Microsoft Windows).
Otherwise, open the file in Vim
by the command :EditSecurely secret.txt
given by
command! -nargs=1 -complete=file_in_path EditSecurely set viminfofile=NONE | edit <args> | setlocal noswapfile nobackup noundofile
Once a file has been encrypted, say by Gnu Privacy Guard
, conveniently edit it using the vim-gnupg plug-in without leaving traces.